Terms and Conditions of Use
1. General regulations
These general conditions are valid for all natural or legal persons (in the following text the Traveler), who arrange the booking or some other services through DalmatiaRiviera.com (in the following text the Agency), presented on the Agency’s Internet pages (www.dalmatiariviera.com) or some other Agency’s advertising material or pages. These general conditions are constituent part of the contract on traveling (in the following text Voucher) which confirms that the Agency arranged certain booking or some other service in the name or for the Traveler (in the following text the Reservation ) with the providers of the services (in the following text the Host). With the booking of the Reservation the Traveler confirms that he understood all the general conditions and that he will obey them absolutely. With the booking of the Reservation all these alleged general conditions become legally binding for the Traveler and the Agency. The Agency in this business stands as the intermediator.
2. The Agency’s offer
The Agency offers to the Traveler the accommodation and the other services presented on the Agency’s internet pages. The Agency signs with the Hosts a special contract on intermediation, fills in special questionnaires about the accommodation complex and about every accommodation unit and arranges with the Host the price of the accommodation unit. The Host obligates himself with his signature on the questionnaires and the contract, that all alleged data about his object and the accommodation units are true, responsible for the authenticity of the data and gives the Agency the authority to book the Reservations with the Travelers in his name. The accommodation units are described according to the official categorization of the authorized institution and according to the questionnaires filled by the Host. The Host guarantees that all the photos presented on the Agency’s internet pages are authentic.
3. Agency’s Obligations
The Agency obliges itself to make the arranged Reservation realized, according to the traditions in the tourism industry. The Agency provides the services according to the information published on the day of the confirmation of the Reservation from the part of the Traveler except in the circumstances beyond its control. If some disagreement between the Traveler and the Host appears, the Agency obligates itself to help resolve the problem according to the mutual pleasure.
4. The rights and the obligations of the Traveler.
The Traveler realizes the Reservation according the determined conditions with the Agency nominated in the Voucher issued in his name. If the Traveler wants to change the conditions from the Voucher (greater number of persons than at the moment of the agreement of the reservation, enlargement of the sojourn etc. ) he has to inform the Agency which will arrange the new price and realize the change if possible. The Traveler has the right to use the total presented equipment of the certain accommodation unit according the prices arranged. If he wants some additional services, which are out of the agreed conditions, he has to make the agreement with the Agency and the Host. At the moment of arrival in the accommodation unit, the nominated has to be clean and equipped with the clean laundry, towels and the toilet paper. The laundry and the towels has to be replaced with the clean ones every seven days. The Host is obligated to allow to the Guests undisturbed usage of the accommodation unit. The Traveler is obligated to respect the house order and also all the laws of the Republic of Croatia.
5. The process from the request to the Reservation (booking)
The Agency receives the requests from the Travelers by e-mail, telephone, or in the written form or personally in the Agency’s office, than it inquires the availability of the certain service and informs the Traveler about the information received. If the Traveler expresses the wish to make the Reservation for the determined term and the determined service in his name, than it makes the alleged term and the service booked on his name. After the confirmation of the Reservation the Traveler gets the instructions for the advanced payment which has to be realized within the dead line announced by the Agency. After the reception of the payment the Traveler will get from the Agency the written documents about his payment.
6. Canceled Reservations
If the Traveler would like to cancel already payed Reservation the next canceling expenses are valid:
- 30% of the total amount of the Reservation if the same has been canceled 120 to 90 days prior to the beginning date of the service.
- 50% of the total amount of the Reservation if the same has been canceled 90 to 60 days prior to the beginning date of the service.
- 75% of the total amount of the Reservation if the same has been canceled 60 to 30 days prior to the beginning date of the service.
- 100 % of the total amount of the Reservation if the same has been canceled 30 to 0 days prior to the beginning date of the service.
All costs of the money refund are the Traveler expenses. The Agency leaves the possibility to the Traveler, not in position to consume the Reservation that he can find another Traveler for the Reservation. The new Traveler accepts all the conditions of the Reservation and accepts this general conditions.
7. Check in, check out (arrival hour and departure hour in the accommodation unit)
The Travelers enter in the reserved accommodation after 12,00 of the first day of the Reservation and leave before 10,00 in the morning of the last day of the Reservation unless agreed otherwise. The Traveler has to come in the reserved unit until midnight on the day of the beginning of the Reservation or has to inform the Agency about the delay. If does not do so the Reservation is considered canceled and the canceling expenses has to be counted.
8. The right of the Agency on changes and canceling
If the Agency notices possible problems in getting the Reservation realized it is obliged to inform the Traveler about that and recommend another accommodation. In the case that it is impossible to realize the other accommodation the Agency obliges to make the refund of all payed amount from the Traveler to the Agency. If any kind of unpredictable problem which is not possible to prevent occurs at the day of the beginning of the Reservation, so it could not be realized than the Agency will try to find replacement accommodation from its offer. If that solution could not be realized than it will try to help the Traveler to find the alternative accommodation and make the refund of the amount payed on the Agency’s account.
9. Other terms
The Agency obligates to protect the personal data about the Traveler and that it will use them with the purpose of Reservation. If the Traveler books the Reservation at the period of some discount than he consumes the Reservation under those conditions. Different actions do not add. The Agency and the Traveler will try to solve eventual problems with mutual agreement and that is not possible than the Court in Split is in the charge of the case and the Croatian juridistic laws.